PASCF Sub-group Guidelines

1 Establishment

· Sub-groups are established at the discretion of the PASCF board.

· In all matters sub-groups are subordinate to the PASCF board.

2 Coordinator

· Sub-group coordinators are appointed by the PASCF board.

· Sub-group coordinators assume overall management responsibility for sub-groups.

· Sub-group coordinators are sole decision makers for sub-groups.

· In all areas of operation, the sub-group coordinator's decision is final, subject to an appeal to the board.

3 Helpers

· Helpers are appointed by the sub-group coordinator to assist in the smooth running of the sub-group.

· The role of helper:

o Is to advise/assist the sub-group coordinator in reaching decisions;

o Must be agreed by the PASCF board;

o Exists for as long as the PASCF board deems fit.

· Sub-group coordinators appoint helpers from the sub-group's membership to key support roles

· Helpers report to the sub-group coordinator.

4 Members

· Anyone who has completed the relevant proforma, paid subscription, served probation, bought and read the recommended books and received PASCF board approval is a sub-group member.

· Prospective members serve a 6 month probationary period and must familiarise themselves with and abide by the following:

o The principles underpinning the operations of the PASCF:

§ Humanism – People before Money, Property, Profit

§ Collectivism – We before me

§ Egalitarianism – We’re all equal in essence

o The PASCF Articles of Association;

o All PASCF policies

o PASCF recommended reading

· All sub-group members are simultaneously:

o Members of the sub-group, and

o Sub-group members of the PASCF

· All sub-group members are entitled to make recommendations to the sub-group coordinator to help facilitate more effective and efficient operation.

5 Meetings

· Working meetings will be held at the discretion of the sub-group coordinator.

· The format of the meeting is at the discretion of the sub-group coordinator.

6 Complaints

· Complaints are directed in the first instance to sub-group coordinators.

· Ultimately, complaints are adjudicated via appeal to the PASCF board.

7 Termination

· Members may resign on their own volition.

· Membership can be terminated by the sub-group coordinator.

· Helpers may be deselected from that role at the discretion of the sub-group coordinator.

· The sub-group coordinator's decision can be appealed to the PASCF board.

· Sub-group coordinators may be deselected from that role at the discretion of the PASCF board.

Sub-groups may be disbanded at the discretion of the PASCF board

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